Our Volunteers are Everyday Heroes
A note to our followers,
I had to make the difficult decision this week to add another recommended virus precaution to our delivery protocol - drop off at the door. Starting Monday, volunteers are asked to drop off food at the door, ring or knock, stand 6 feet away, and share a hello and welfare check from a distance. We are joining other MOW programs in doing so and it may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but it's not that simple.
Let me share what many of the initial responses were from our core group of dedicated volunteers - what about Mrs X who can barely get around with her walker or Mr Z who is chair bound, how will they even get to the door? You get the picture.
Rest assured, we are working case by case to figure out ways to get these clients our meals, while keeping everyone as safe as possible. Believe me, we will not stop delivering to someone because they can’t get to the door.
But you know what I take away from this latest hurdle? The amazing capacity for caring for others before oneself that is so very evident in our volunteers and I will never underestimate the relationships that have been forged between our drivers and their delivery recipients. They are the best!
Take care everyone,
Mary Ellen