Having difficulty preparing meals? Want to ensure your loved one is eating a well-balanced meal? Anyone living in our service area is eligible, regardless of age, health, or financial status.
Meals are delivered by volunteers typically between 11 am and 1 pm, Monday through Friday. Weekend frozen meals, delivered on Friday, are also available.
A delivery consists of a hot meal and a cold meal, in sealed, sectioned trays. The Cold meal includes chilled parts of the meal, such as milk or fruit, and includes two additional sides, for example, a sandwich or pasta salad, typically to be eaten later in the day. You will have your daily choice between two hot entrees.
The program can accommodate some special dietary considerations. MOWEOC also provides frozen or non-perishable food items in anticipation of inclement weather.
Fill Out Online Form
Complete the following intake form and the process will begin. You will receive a call or email with more information by the next business day.
Need More Information
Download a copy of our New Client Information Packet
Call 315 637-5446 or email us today!